Payment Methods
We offer the following payment methods. After the ordering process you will receive a confirmation email from us. In this you will receive the various payment options such as:
- PayPal
Pay even faster and more securely with your PayPal account. - Prepayment
Pay for the complete delivery in advance. We will ship your order as soon as we have received the invoice amount. - On Bill
Simply order and only pay afterwards. (only for existing customers) - Cash payment
Order online and simply pick up your order from our warehouse
Simply choose the best payment method for you.
The prices listed in the respective offers represent final prices. They include all price components including any applicable taxes such as VAT.
Only in the case of cross-border deliveries may you have to pay additional taxes (e.g. in the case of an intra-Community acquisition) and/or duties (e.g. customs duties), not to the seller, but to the customs or tax authorities responsible there.
The delivery and shipping costs incurred are not included in the purchase price, they can be called up via the “Shipping costs” page, are shown separately during the ordering process and are to be borne by you in addition.